Bahamas Proposes Robust Crypto Regulations Following FTX Fiasco

Bahamas Proposes Robust Crypto Regulations Following FTX Fiasco

The Bahamas has put forward a set of more comprehensive regulations for cryptocurrencies following the recent FTX incident. The event revolved around FTX, a digital currency exchange, and a group of traders who took advantage of a system vulnerability to earn millions of dollars in profits.  By artificially inflating and then crashing the price of the SOL token, these traders …

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Bittrex Allegations

Bittrex Faces Action From SEC

Despite preparing for a full shutdown, Bittrex, a US-based cryptocurrency exchange is facing actions from the regulator SEC. US Securities and Exchanges Commission’s enforcement division is indicating the commission to sue Bittrex over allegations that involved protecting the rights of the investors as per a report in the Wall Street Journal dated April 16th. Understanding the matter Bittrex was informed …

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Crypto Derivatives

The Impact of Crypto Derivatives on the Market and Exchanges

Cryptocurrency derivatives have been a hot topic in the crypto world in recent years, with many traders and investors using them to hedge their risks or speculate on price movements. But what are derivatives, and how do they impact the market and exchanges? In this article, we’ll explore the basics of crypto derivatives, their advantages and disadvantages, and their impact …

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